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The Fearless Female Entrepreneur

Oct 21, 2019

Welcome to Episode 15 of #TrueJoyRevolution. Today I am chatting with my dear friend and Angel Intuition, Cynthia Long, Angel Roots and Boots. Cynthia is an energy Goddess and has great knowledge about tapping into the divine messages we receive on a daily basis. 

Cynthia and I can chat all day about tapping into your intuition. It is such an important piece of living your best life and leading a life that is smooth, joyful and with minimal struggle and stress.

We chat about not only tapping into your intuition, but also, the power that energy has on our decisions and life journey, and about gratitude, self-love, divine timing, energy, and our vibrations. 

If you find yourself struggling to reach your goals, feel overwhelmed, feel stuck, frustrated and directionless in your life and career, then this podcast episode and blog is for you! 

Don’t let the to-do list control you. It’s time to tap into your intuition and press reset back to the joyful, happy, and aligned life you are meant to live!


Powerful Insights from Cynthia:

“It’s a matter of actually being able to listen. Sometimes when we get into that busy work, we are purposefully not listening. We are looking for some other distraction because we are afraid of what the answer might be or we’re afraid of the work that might have to be put into it. So, we will busy ourselves or we’ll procrastinate with things and this winds up delaying that message that you have been asking for.” Cynthia


"You have to be willing to listen. And so when we get stuck in that busy work, and that grind, sometimes it is essential to whether it's getting stuff done or getting paid or what have you, there is also that balance that we need to seek. And that balance is where we just kind of get quiet. You don't have to be like a huge Yogi meditation guru type of a thing. You don't have to sit there like surrounded by 14 salt lamps. You just sit quietly, turn off TV, put your phone down, don't even hold the phone and just listen. Listen to your breath. That's where it starts.” Cynthia


“They say if it's not going to matter five years from now, then why are you spending five minutes on it?” Cynthia


"And so many of us will spend dozens of five minutes on something, and let it just tear us apart versus just figuring out is this my issue to handle? do I need to let this go? Can I come back to this tomorrow in 24 hours after I slept on it? So having a shift in perspective, having gratitude, being in that place of compassion, all fantastic ways to just naturally shift that vibration. And so when you do that, when you are in that space, you will find that you start naturally calling these things to you … it's almost like the lights at the intersection all start turning green for you.” Cynthia


“If you’re staying in this Debbie Downer moment and then you’re attracting to you  other people that are Debbie Downers. Misery loves company. That’s what you are drawing to you. But you actively know “I don’t want this anymore. I don’t want to be in this cycle any longer”. So you know what you want so you have to start actively switching it up and seeking out the things that you do want. vs. the things that you don’t want.” Cynthia


“There’s stuff out there that’s like, ‘Well we can’t be happy 100% of the time’ and I’m like you can’t be in a negative space either” Cynthia



Cynthia's tips on tapping into your intuition and clearing any negativity:


  1. Show people compassion instead of getting frustrated or hurt or angry. Switching your heart and mind to kindness keeps you in a loving energy instead of a heavier angry energy. This allows for more positive experiences to be attracted to you.

  2. Be in nature:  Walk barefoot in the grass, sit in the grass, or next to a tree. Nature shifts your energy to calm and grounds you back to what is important. Natural has a calming energy (unless it’s a hurricane!) and can help get you back to stillness and center.

  3. Gratitude - By showing gratitude and focusing your energy and mindset on what is a blessing or what is making your life awesome, you don’t have the space to sit in negativity or focus on what isn’t going right.

  4. Look for the lesson in your experiences. Instead of wallowing in the fact that things didn’t go your way or planned, look for the lesson you can take away from it. Then let that lesson go, so you can move forward and not repeat the lesson again. 

  5. Love Yourself: The more love you have for yourself, the more others will love you and what you offer. If you have negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself then you are sitting in some heavy energy. 

    “If you can’t love yourself 100% how you are, then you can’t expect somebody else to do that for you. “ Cynthia



Connect with Cynthia:


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